Preliminary Exercise - 'Sonny Jim'

My Opening Sequence - 'Remembrance'

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Evaluation Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

When we initially began planning our sequence, we had to choose our target audience. This was difficult to do at first because we kept drawing on ideas that appealed to us, so it was hard to step away from our preferences and try to create something that would appeal to others. Finally we agreed on a Target Audience Profile.


  • 18-35
  • Appeal to males more; Thriller / Horror stereotypically ‘male’ genre
  • People that enjoy watching Thrillers and Horrors, predominantly young adults – the Thriller / Horror market targets young adults specifically with films like Final Destination (Wong, 2000), House of Wax (Collet-Serra, 2005) and more recently Disturbia (Caruso, 2007)

  • British audiences – set in North London

We based our initial target audience on these main factors, however as the project developed, our audience profile altered slightly. For instance, as our actual plot progressed, and we decided that the protagonist would be an ex-solider, we automatically found ourselves broadening our audiences.

  • 16-40s
  • Possibly attract people that have served in the war [majority male?]
  • People interested in war-themed films…with a twist
  • People that particularly enjoy watching young film-maker’s films, regularly attend film festivals or have a preference for niche films.

These profiles have proved to be quite accurate, as from our screening we found that 16-17 year old males rated our film highest, and all of them wanted to watch the rest of it. However, we weren't able to screen to anyone towards the upper end of our audience age boundary, but at least we know we're heading in the right direction so far!

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