Preliminary Exercise - 'Sonny Jim'

My Opening Sequence - 'Remembrance'

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday Shoot

During our two-week holiday, we had to re-shoot a few of the shots in our sequence. We met up on Friday to mainly re-shoot the nightmare sequence and conversation in the kitchen, we also shot the TV and reaction shots and the stairs shot too. The shoot went really well, we were able to get all the footage we needed in the one session, so we didn't need to meet up again.

When we got back to school, we captured and began editing all the footage. Our sequence is completed now [in terms of putting all the clips together], we just have to import the newspaper articles into the sequence, script and record the news broadcast and add more titles. I am feeling very confident after seeing the final footage; I didn't expect it to work as well as it does [me, forever the optimist!] I am extremely pleased, more so now than ever, that our project is coming together very well. Hard work really does pay off!...I am actually quite sad that it's coming to an end...:(

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