Title: Seeing Is Believing…
Plot: A student goes to see a psychic who warns her that her death is imminent. The student chooses to ignore the old lady, forcing her to put a curse on the student, only to realise that she accidentally transferred the power to her. One day the student gets a premonition of what she believes is her friend’s death, but ultimately is her own…
Cast: Jessica Alba – Student at University
Sigourney Weaver – Psychic lady
I thought the title of this film was quite clever-it refers to the psychic powers which the lead female possesses; which ultimately leads her to her death. I chose Jessica Alba to play the lead role of the student at university because she is approximately the same age; again this adds to the realism of the film. Jessica Alba played a similar role in The Eye (directed by David Moreau & Xavier Palud; 2008) therefore; I thought casting her in this thriller film would be effective. She seems to be comfortable in the genre of thriller and the film will appeal to many teenagers if she were to star in it. I cast Sigourney Weaver as the psychic lady because I felt an older actress was needed. Weaver has starred in a vast array of films, and is pretty much capable of acting in any genre. I believe she could bring the role of the sinister, eerie fortune-teller to life, creating an exciting and interesting film.
Title: As The Clock Strikes Twelve…
Plot: Cinderella, but not quite as you know it. The film focuses much more on her darker childhood and how she is shunned by most people. Cindy goes to the Prince Charming’s party after the Fairy Godmother casts a spell on her; however the spell wears off at midnight and with each passing minute, Cinderella becomes uglier and uglier. She is fed up with everything always going wrong and is desperate for her miserable life to end…
Cast: Megan Fox – Cinderella
Ashton Kutcher – Prince Charming
Angelina Jolie – Fairy Godmother
I chose this title because of the Godmother’s spell, which breaks at midnight. I wanted the title to create an enigmatic feel; the audience will ask themselves what will happen once the clock strikes twelve. After reading the plot synopsis, I decided to cast Megan Fox as Cinderella. This is because she is quite a young actress, who has appeared in quite a few films which appeal to a slightly younger audience. I thought she would suit the role of a ‘damsel in distress’ quite well. She is a contemporary actress, which means that she will fit the time period in which the film is set. Ashton Kutcher will play the role of the Prince; he is rather good-looking and best fits the character of Charming. Again, his age will help the plausibility of the story, as he is quite young himself and could pull off playing an 18 year old. His previous roles include Rom-Coms and so I feel he would play this part well. Finally, I cast Angelina Jolie as the Fairy Godmother because I thought an older, more experienced actress was needed. Angelina has worked in a variety of different genres so I thought she would be able to adapt to this sweet, motherly, yet vengeful role. I think the mixture of actors/actresses will make this film very interesting to watch.
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