Preliminary Exercise - 'Sonny Jim'

My Opening Sequence - 'Remembrance'

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tzvetan Todorov

Tzvetan Todorov was a Bulgarian structuralist linguist who published influential work on narrative form from 1960s onwards. Todorov suggested five stages that can be found in any genre of story. These stages are:

1. Equilibrium (an ordered state)
2. Disruption (by an event)
3. Recognition of the event
4. Attempt to repair the damage
5. Return to a new equilibrium

This theory can be applied to almost any genre of film where there is a disturbance of some sort.

Examples of this can be seen in Action Adventure films such as: Mission Impossible, Indiana Jones etc. Other examples include War of the Worlds, Scream, The Mummy, etc. Most commonly found in Action/Disaster films, where the film revolves around a complication, and the attempt to resolve it.

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